Most media including videos, pictures, jokes, stories displayed on HumorStream.com have been collected from a wide range of resources, including but not limited to free websites.
Some have either been emailed to us, some uploaded on the site and some created by ourselves.
If you object to a media presented on our site, please Contact Us with the exact media id and your cause for concern, whether it being your own (you've created or hold the rights to it) and do not wish to share or may it be something you might find explicit, un-ethical, inappropriate etc.
When we read your email we will assess it and if it deems fit we will take the media off the site immediately.
'Hotlinking' to any of media presented on HumorStream.com is strictly prohibited without our permission.
HumorStream.com reserves the right to decide to host or not any media that was sent to us.
HumorStream.com also reserves the right to modify the media that was sent to us. HumorStream.com will also add the HumorStream.com watermark on the media in order to identify that HumorStream.com is hosting that media.
Last Updated: 28th of December 2006
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